By law, all recreational boating accident reports have to be completed on form LNR 3-027 by the operator, and in case of operator incapacity, the owner of each and every pleasure craft involved in a boating accident must complete an accident report form. For recreational vessels, the statute, HRS Section 200-29 and Hawaii Administrative Rules, Section 13-242-5 makes the boating accident report and accompanying investigations confidential and not public record for use in litigation. It is illegal for any person to give false information orally or in written reports.
A boating accident report has to be filed with the State if the vessel is used for recreational purposes in the following instances:1. Loss of life or the disapperance of any person; 2. Injury causing any person to require medical treatment beyond first aid; or 3. Actual damage to any vessel or to any other property in excess of $200.
For loss of life or disappearance, the notification and report is to be submitted within forty eight (48)hours and for all other accidents, within seven (7) days.
One may report the incident and obtain the report form for completion by contacting the Boating Regulations Officer at the following:Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Boating & Ocean Recreation 333 Queen Street, Suite 300 Honolulu Hawaii 96813 (808)587-1972 Fax: (808)587-1977
For neighbor islands, contact a police officer or the Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation, DOBOR District Office or U.S. Coast Guard Unit.